BGS Modders
BGS Modders

BGS Modders.

At BGS Modders, we are a group of well experienced, and not-so-well experienced modders. Our skills range from normal modding, to animations, to textures, and more. For our forums please check out here, you can view all the latest posts from out modding community. You can ask questions, ask for someone to make a mod for you, and even check out some of the group's latest work. To post new topics just Register or sign in.

What is this website used for if you have the other?

Well... This website is so you can upload mods that you have created. All you do is send them to this E-mail address in a zipped file containing all of the meshes and textures. After reviewing this mod, you will either get a E-mail saying it was denied, or it will later appear on the site, under the Mods page.